City of Jackson's Public Art Commission Hosts Pop-Up Art Gallery at Downtown Nutrition

JACKSON, Tenn. – The City of Jackson’s Public Art Commission is hosting a pop-up art gallery at Downtown Nutrition on East Lafayette St in Downtown Jackson.
“My wife Shay and I love downtown,” said Jack Miller, owner of Downtown Nutrition. “We wanted an opportunity to promote artists by allowing them to exhibit their work in our downtown store.”
The art gallery displays sculptures and paintings from 2019 Tennessee Governor’s Folklife Heritage Arts Award recipient Hattie Duncan.
“I decided to showcase Hattie’s sculptures and paintings in the windows of the business because her work is highly evocative and illuminates diversity in our community,” said City of Jackson Public Art Commissioner Andrew Boks.
The public art commission seeks to grow the number of public art installations, to include murals, sculptures, and other mediums across Jackson. The public art commission also seeks to engage more artists, both established and emerging, in the work of creative place making.
“I love to see art downtown and I encourage Downtown Jackson businesses to participate in our public art pop-ups and installations,” said Mayor Scott Conger.
More information on the Public Art Commission and current installations is available at