JACKSON, Tenn. – In celebration of Women’s History Month, 31 women were recognized as 2022 Influential Women of Jackson, TN, on March 18, 2022, in the Ben Langford Room at City Hall.
“Women have and continue to lead the way to the growth and success of our city,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “I am honored to recognize these women during Women’s History Month.”
The 31 women include Sabrina Anderson, Jane Alderson, Trunetta Atwater, Katie Brantley, Laura Byrd, Mona Campbell, Traci Carney, Gertrude Copeland, Lisa Garner, Cecilia Hammond, Crysta Hardimon, Marilyn Jackson, Michelle Just, Ann-Marie Kelley, Tommie Kirkendoll, Mary Jane McWherter, Mary Jo MIiddlebrooks, Tawnya Moore, Angela Nelson Parks, Summer Paris, Linsey Pickens, Judy Renshaw, Martha Robinson, Pat Ross, Brenda Whalley, Tara Skinner, Brittany Tucker, Lindsay Homra Walker, Jean Marie Walls, Kristen White, and Lori White.
Each of the women received gift bags and a recognition certificate.