Jackson, Tenn. – The 2022 City of Jackson Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., in Downtown Jackson. The theme of this year’s Christmas parade will be “A Christmas Toyland.”
The parade route will remain the same starting at the Carl Perkins Civic Center; north on S. Church Street; west on E. Chester St.; north on S. Shannon St.; east on Main St., south onto Royal under the bridge to Frontage Rd.; west on Auditorium St. and ending back at the Carl Perkins Civic Center.
“We are thrilled to be able to host our city’s Christmas Parade on the second Saturday in December this year,” said Mayor Scott Conger. “With this change, we hope that more families will be able to enjoy the festivities.”
The lighting ceremony of the city Christmas tree will be held on Friday, December 9, 2022 at 5:15 p.m. in front of Jackson City Hall.
Our Grand Marshal for this year’s parade will be the former Madison County Mayor Jimmy Harris. Harris served as County Mayor for 15 years.
Registration for individuals, organizations, and floats open on October 1. Visit our Recreation and Parks page on our website at www.jacksontn.gov and select the “Registration” button to register.
The parade will be and will broadcast live on EPlusTV channels 6 and 206HD and online at www.eplustv6.com.